蘇文鈺 (Alvin W.Y. Su,
Teaching Assistant
陳麒麟,丁俊哲,戴逸任,陳如琰 RM 65707
Course Materials
- Introduction to machine learning textbook
- Gamed Based coding platform
- Online ppt
- Reference: Stanford CS229,
Power Point
- Week2
- Week3
- Week4 - 線上課程演練週
- Week5 - 清明連假
- Week6
- Introduction (課程影片0) (課程影片1)
- K-means and KNN (課程影片2) (課程影片3--Lab)
- Week2
- Week3
- Week4 - 線上課程演練週
- Week5 - 清明連假
- Week6
- Introduction (課程影片0) (課程影片1)
- K-means and KNN (課程影片2) (課程影片3--Lab)
- Week7 - 第一次比賽 **
- Week8 - SVM SVM_Lab(課程影片4)
- Week9 - Machine Learning Basics and Tips (課程影片5)
- Week10 - Neural Network (課程影片7)
- Week11 - 第二次比賽
- Week12 - test of statistical hypothesis (課程影片8)
- Week13 - CNN (課程影片9)
- Week14 - 加強學習(課程影片10)
- Week15 - 加強學習(續)(課程影片11)
===========================================================- Week7 - 第一次比賽 **
- Week8 - SVM SVM_Lab(課程影片4)
- Week9 - Machine Learning Basics and Tips (課程影片5)
- Week10 - Neural Network (課程影片7)
- Week11 - 第二次比賽
- Week12 - test of statistical hypothesis (課程影片8)
- Week13 - CNN (課程影片9)
- Week14 - 加強學習(課程影片10)
- Week15 - 加強學習(續)(課程影片11)
1.登入PassCode 請輸入 CSIEML (請參考沒有聲音的影片)
3. 4/15(三) 12:00 ~ 4/16(四) 09:00 登入上傳
4/16(四) 12:00 前公布考試順序
4/16(四) 16:00 直播考試結果
4. Office Hour 4/15(三) 19:00-21:00 65705
5. 示範影片
===========================================================5. 示範影片
Course Arrangement
1st quarter
Purpose: Get familiar with the course requirement, the offline game platform and the online game platform. Collect and annotate the data.
week 1 : Introduction of the course and applications using ML. How this course will proceed this semester. Especially in the COVID-19 period.
week 2 : Setup of Python programming environment. Use of Github.
week 3 : Build and Practice of the offline Game Platform and the online Game Platform.
week 4 : Practice using the online Game Platform. Intro. to basic classifiers
2nd quarter
Purpose: Application of simple machine learning tools to a computer game, called Breakout Clone, also called Arkanoid. Object positions provided.
week 5 : 兒童節、民族掃墓節補假。
Week 6: Introduction and models
Week 7: 1st online contest, New Breakout Clone (Behavior is a little bit different!) (10%)
Week 8: Support Vector Machine/Multi-class clustering/classification
3rd quarter
Purpose: Application of more machine learning tools to New Pong and Racing Cars.
Week 9: 2nd online contest. New Pong (15%)
Week 10: Bagging, Boosting, Adaboost
Week 11: Neural Network
Week 12: 3rd contest. Racing Cars 1. (20%)
Final quarter
Purpose: Application of machine learning tools to Racing Cars 2. Object positions provided.
Week 13: DNN
Week 14: CNN
Week 15: RNN
Week 16: Team Report
Week 17: 端午節(放假)。
Week 18: Final contest (40%) and final report (5%)
1. Learn basic machine learning algorithms
2. Use machine learning tools
3. Understand data and its preprocessing
4. Learning by doing and gaming.
1. Learn basic machine learning algorithms
2. Use machine learning tools
3. Understand data and its preprocessing
4. Learning by doing and gaming.
Grading by Rank
Reports : 2+3+5+5= 15%
Contest 1: 10%
Contest 2: 15%
Contest 3: 20%
Contest 4: 40%
Bonus: 10%
Cours Preparation Items
All reports in HackMD
All works in Github
All contest results on the online platform
You may need to learn many materials from online courses and/or videos.
Reports : 2+3+5+5= 15%
Contest 1: 10%
Contest 2: 15%
Contest 3: 20%
Contest 4: 40%
Bonus: 10%
Cours Preparation Items
All reports in HackMD
All works in Github
All contest results on the online platform
You may need to learn many materials from online courses and/or videos.