蘇文鈺 (Alvin W.Y. Su), X62537, Rm 65C08,
Teaching Assistants
林煒婷,楊鴻志,蕭佑丞, RM 65707
Course Materials
- Schaum’s Outline of Signals and Systems, 3rd Edition (Schaum's Outlines) 3rd Edition, Hwei Hsu
- VST plugin tutorial
- Online ppt
- 舊版投影片
- Learn signals and Systems Basics
- Know the algorithms and how to implement
- Both Python and C++ are required
- VST Plugin
- Term team project
- Calculus
- Linear Algebra
- Engineering Math.
- Computer Programming I
Course Arrangement
- 課堂成績
- In-class programming: 簡單混音器,將四個單聲道不同樂器之一分鐘音檔,照指定大小與時間位置混成左右聲道一個立體聲音檔。
- In-class programming: 可參數化的吉他失真效果器。準備電吉他獨奏一分鐘音檔一個。
- In-class programming: 可參數化的Wah-Wah效果器。準備電吉他獨奏一分鐘音檔一個。
- lab2: 播放音擋與耳機輸入之改變音量之VST Plug-in
- lab3: 移植可參數化的吉他失真效果器之VST Plug-in
- lab4: 移植可參數化的Wah-Wah效果器之VST Plug-in
- lab5: Karplus Strong撥弦音色合成之VST Plug-in
- lab6: Source Filter Model合成器之VST Plug-in
- lab7 Echo/Delay 之 VST Plug-in
- lab8: 電腦Keyboard 為輸入介面之VST Plug-in
Team Project Topics of the Term
- 實作HRTF(Head Related Transfer Function),指定單音音源至空間中的某一位置,包含距離遠近
- 具備四個回授路徑的殘響產生器。
- 可參數化,六頻段之等化器。
- Chorus effect processor
- 合成單簧管
- 合成Saxophone
- 合成法國號
- 合成吉他
- Automatic Chord Progression Generator (KW: Automatic Chord Progression Generator Machine Learning AI LSTM RNN)
Grading by Ranking
- In-class programming: 40%
- Turn in before 6:30pm: 100
- Turn in before midnight: 90
- Turn in before midnight of the next day: 80
- Turn in before midnight 2 days later: 60
- Written exams: 15%
- Computer program exam (VST plugin): 10%
- Final Project and report (VST plugin): 35%
- Attendance and others: 10%